Biuro: +48 22 751 68 96
STEO Sp. z o.o., ul. Konarskiego 48, 05-092 Łomianki

BAUER Mother-daughter refuelling system

Mother-daughter refuelling system: The ideal concept for transporting and distributing natural gas in regions without an existing natural gas pipeline system

SKU: 1144 Kategoria:


Capacity overview: Mother station

Free delivery [Nm³/h]

(0°C, 1013 mbar)

Gas intake pressure [barg]











CFS 23.10 DUO II



CFS 23.12 DUO II



CFS 24.11 DUO II



CFS 24.12 DUO II











CFS 26.10 DUO II



CFS 26.12 DUO II



CFS 52.10 DUO II



CFS 52.12 DUO II




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